The holiday season is upon us and time is at a premium! At least that's what I am blaming for the past two weeks absence of Product Placement Wednesday. Speaking of holiday season, if it's holiday season unfortunately it is also cold season. I had one of those last week so it can share the blame with the holidays. Unfortunately I don't have a product to help with the lack of time during the holidays but I do have one that will make your cold a bit more stylish.

Paper Pots are colorful orbs that can hold/hide your tissues or toilet paper while also adding a pop of color to your life! As you can see by the photo above, you can mix and match the tops and bottoms to coordinate with any decor. It is simple to add your choice of paper as also referenced above. Who knew a cold could be so fun!?!?! For those readers that avoid all things BPA, this is made from BPA free plastic.
While available in a variety of stores, the link above will take you to Uncommon Goods.
Paper Pots not enough to make your cold better? Clearly you didn't read my post about Cold FX!
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