Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Product Placement Wednesday - Trader Joe's Platinum Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Truffles

Yes, after MUCH delay Product Placement Wednesday is back! Between work, life, and my other (often neglected) blog On The Tart Side is getting so much needed love!

Trader Joe's Platinum Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Truffles

Trader Joe's always comes out with some amazing seasonal products this time of year - particularly in the chocolate department. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that this gem makes the cut to be a year round item! The Platinum Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Truffles are make with 70% cacao dark chocolate and yes, Cabernet! The wine flavor is present but not overpowering - they remind me a bit of the Ghiradelli Intense Dark Cabernet Matinee. The advantage that the truffles have over the bar is that they are made with actual wine plus the delicious soft truffle center! I have enjoyed them with several varietals of red wine but as to be expected they paired best with full bodied wines.

While they are not overly huge truffles, at only 50 calories each you can enjoy more than one. This product is so new it is not on the Trader Joe's website yet. The only other mention I could find online was on eBay with someone selling at twice the cost! I recommend buying them ASAP and then hoarding them. They would also make nice gifts throughout the holiday season!