- If a boy likes you, he'll ask you to chase him. If he's an older boy, he won't ask you to chase him. Instead he'll just run away and look over his shoulder to see if you're following him. When he stops and looks back, you need to stop running. You don't want him to see you chasing him.
- When a boy wants to be your number one boyfriend, he'll put an "I Love You" note in your locker. Other boys will just ask for your number.
- If you want a boy to be your boyfriend, you just tell them that they are your boyfriend. Then slap them across the face and tell them to bring all of their friends over. It is key to have several boyfriends at a time and you will want to have all of the boys in your class as your boyfriend.
It seems as there were a few more pearls of wisdom but I can't recall them right now. I'll be sure to post part deux when I (or KC) remember them.